Did you know that the average student generates
67 pounds of waste a year bringing a disposable lunch to school? That's a lot of trash when you consider that our school has 2,500 students. That's 167,500 pounds of trash our school generates each year--just from lunches! Imagine the trash generated by every school in the country!

So, to help reduce this waste (and to show others the practicality to further reduce waste)
bring a reusable lunchbox to school. This is just the first in many steps to reducing your lunchtime waste, but you've got to start somewhere!

Nowadays they make cute purse-like ones, vintage metal lunchboxes, and themed-lunchboxes of a variety of characters, TV shows, and movies. Lunchboxes are no longer something reserved for elementary school students; it's become a trend to have a lunchbox with your favorite band or cartoon. So stop wasting resources, and get yourself a cool lunch box!
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